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Doukare Labradors
Doukare's Around The Corner started his show career at the Halifax Kennel Club Dog Show
in February 2016 capturing the hearts of all the judges. Floyd won Winners Male all four shows
and also Best of Winners two of the four shows. Also picking up three Best Puppy in Breed to
finish his Canadian championship all before reaching 7 months of age!

Ch Doukare's Around The Corner winning Best of Breed and Best Puppy in Group at the Club Canin de L'Estrie Show in Quebec handled by Maria Nicole Casavechia.

BPISS MBPIG GCh Doukare's Around The Corner winning Best Puppy in Specialty
at the River City Lab Enthusiasts in Oakbank, MB at 9 1/2 months of age
Thank you to judge Valerie Walters

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