Doukare Labradors

We, at Doukare Kennels do our very best to breed the proper type of retriever with a good temperament however NO BREEDER can produce 100% healthy for life dogs. We also cannot guarantee against what might occur due to circumstances beyond our control once they leave our kennel. We will discuss with you at any time what we find helpful in raising a healthy and happy lab.
This litter is registered with the Canadian Kennel Club. A signed non breeding agreement shall accompany this agreement. Registration papers will be transferred into the buyers name and provided to the buyer upon receipt of proof of spay/neuter. This dog/bitch remains the property of Doukare Kennels until proof of spay/neuter provided. Failure to do so may result in the dog/bitch be returned to Doukare Kennels at the buyers expense.
This puppy to the best of our knowledge is guaranteed to be in good health at the time of purchase.
The puppies have been examined by our veterinarian and started on an inoculation program. You will have a health guarantee up to 72 hours after you have obtained possession of the puppy/dog. If something is found seriously wrong with your puppy/dog, it will be replaced with another as soon as one becomes available. A signed letter from the attending veterinarian is requested by Doukare Kennels as to the dogs health condition within 3 working days of examination. After the 72 hours the health of the puppy is the buyers responsibility and relieves the seller of all liability.
If the buyer questions the temperament of the puppy/dog he must notify the breeder within 48 hours of receiving the puppy/dog. If necessary, the puppy/dog may be returned to Doukare Kennels as the buyers expense for evaluation. Unless we deem the problem to be the result of lack of proper socialization/training, or other abuse, we will replace the puppy/dog with another as soon as one becomes available.
If at any time from the date of birth til the dog reaches 25 months of age, this dog develops severe
hip/elbow dysplacia attested to by xrays graded by a certified veterinary radiologist (OFA) and resulting in the euthanization of said animal, or found to have PRA or retinal dysplacia as attested to by a certified veterinary ophthalmologist, we will replace the dog/bitch with another as soon as one becomes available. Should this dog/bitch be deemed to be overweight, or found to have had excessive stress on his/her joints we reserve the right to refuse a replacement dog/bitch. Only xray results graded from OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) accepted. Should the buyer elect to have surgery we will provide a one time payment of a quarter of the purchase price inclusive of tax.
Acceptance of the cash payment option forfeits a replacement puppy and this portion of the contract becomes null and void. Doukare Kennels requires a report or results from OFA.
Should anything occur in the family setting that would necessitate the relocation of the dog, the buyer agrees to give the breeder the first right of refusal. If the breeder doesn't want the dog or can't accommodate the dog at that time, a suitable home will be found. Doukare Kennels requests that the name of the new owner be forwarded to them and this is subject to approval on the condition that the new owner agrees to be bound by the provisions of this contract including a non breeding contract if applicable. If no suitable home can be found, then the buyer agrees to deliver the dog to the breeder with the appropriate registration papers. The buyer further agrees that at NO time will they relinquish the dog to an animal shelter, rescue organization or pet store.
All Doukare Labradors are sold on a non breeding contract which shall be signed by the buyers before the puppy is registered with the Canadian Kennel Club. Those dogs that are sold solely as family companions MUST be spayed or neutered at 6-11 months of age and may not be bred under any conditions. Purchaser agrees to foward a letter from the attending veterinarian attesting to this when the dog reaches 12 months of age. Failure to do so will result in the hip/elbow portion of this contract becoming null and void.